1927年,蒙德林枢机主教向圣. 在芝加哥大主教管区建立并管理一所新的高中. 在一个简单但令人印象深刻的仪式上, 多明尼加骑士团的校徽是由雷蒙德·米格尔牧师放置的, O.P., S.T.Lr., Provincial of the Province, on Tuesday, August 13, 1929. 在奠基之前, however, 在分包商的良好合作下,大楼的大部分工作已经完成, the school was ready for the opening day of school on Monday, 9月9日, 1929.
esball世博向200名学生和11名多米尼加人的员工敞开了大门. The high school was named in honor of Edward Dominic Fenwick, O.P.他是辛辛那提的第一位主教. esball世博神父帮助将天主教传遍中西部,并在阿勒格尼山脉以西的美国建立了多明尼加骑士团.
esball世博是一所男子大学预科学校,由圣帕特里克省的父亲和兄弟们创建. Joseph (New York), but in 1939, the St. 约瑟夫省被分割,esball世博成为新的圣. Albert the Great, with headquarters in Chicago. In 1992, girls were admitted for the first time. Today, Fenwick is known as a secondary school. 学生使用一些体育设施, 包括一个棒球场, 两个足球场, 垒球场地, 以及附近森林河郊区的esball世博多米尼加修道院校园里的一个足球场.
Fenwick has a strong academic tradition, 正如国家优秀学者和伊利诺伊州立学者的数量所指出的那样, SAT和ACT成绩高(平均排名在全国前100名之内), and large numbers of students matriculating to top universities, such as those in the Ivy League and Big Ten. 自成立以来, esball世博一直保持着100%的大学入学率,esball世博的学生进入了许多美国和国际顶尖大学.
esball世博有一个非常有成就的教师,其中四人获得了金苹果奖.1983年,esball世博被美国政府选中.S. Department of Education as a Blue Ribbon School. 1999年1月18日.S. News & 《esball世博》将esball世博评为“美国优秀高中”。, 这使得esball世博大学成为芝加哥地区排名第一的预科学校.
Fenwick已经在橡树公园的现址开始了几次扩建活动,其基础是纽约建筑师Wilfred E. Anthony, who also redesigned the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Indiana for the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. The latest expansions include a new field house with a 1,100-seat gymnasium and a 450-seat Natatorium; several new classrooms and updated athletic lockers; a new school entrance and gateway, and additional science laboratories and art studios, 所有这些都与esball世博学校和原始修道院的学院哥特式外观保持一致. Fenwick is in the early stages of the
纪念活动 which will expand and improve the campus again, but also in keeping with the original Collegiate Gothic style, like many of the great universities of the western world.